How Much It Takes to Make a Jewel?

In 1 article we will never be able to say everything that we want to say about this topic. As it is shown in the series of videos \”Haute Joaillerie 2018\” by Dior, create jewelry it\’s a hard work that begins from the inspiration, passing trough (more or less) the following process: shaping, dismantling, preparation of the setting, gems carved, polishing, re-cutting diamonds, setting, applying hallmarks, final assembly, and finishing, and right now with new techniques for making jewelry including technology; lastly the jewel it\’s saved and kept in a beautiful pouch or box until it reaches to the client with a rigorous service protocol.

Why all this effort, this drive and determination from all these anonymous artists (because that\’s what they are, artists) working for a Brand or as an independent goldsmiths? Because make a beautiful piece of art where we have to considerate the time that took to nature for making the basic material like gems, stones, and metals, plus the human time for perfected and make it more splendorous is remarkable; to be part of something bigger than them: a moment, a feeling, a memory an anecdote, were You/We are the forever principals characters.

Anyone may have diamonds but an heirloom is an ornament of a different kind.

The symbol of a family, or an Empire, or a religion, or a feat, or the history, or a time. Jewelry always will be the simple proposal of a very complicated art, maybe it doesn\’t look like a great thing but jewelers have a common ground: are people who by themselves or in team decide to accomplish an extraordinary beauty, to reach the ideal of: \”A Virtuous Beauty\”, just possible in an art that needs from the nature and the man for exists.

The obvious elements that make a valuable jewel as we all know are metal: gold, platinum, titanium, silver, carats, weight, cut, the rarity of gems and finally the designer or the jewelry house to which the designs belong.


Others aspects not so obvious as background, history, time, place, status identity and believes that the jewel/s represent.

And then come our favorites in Ines Arenas Jewelry Gallery, the ones that are not so obvious at all beyond the means of acquiring wealth; jewels are beautiful for their aesthetic because are the representation of man\’s aspirations to reach perfection in form, design, and color.

Jewels, jewelry is beautiful because are the perfect portrayal of symmetry, order, and progression from nature to men in perfect repetition approaching us to those characteristics that we know just belong to the universe.

Designing jewelry, dreaming perfection, be able to appreciate and sometimes wear these masterpieces, be given and received with love, being part of that perfect moment or our best in life maybe is the closets way to be to the starts, the universe, the cosmos, to the best in us, and God forever, for generations in family, society and history.

Before the Reality The Dream

Imagine how many unicorns you have seem, its narwhal horn, its eyes, its perfect mouth and nose, the rested position of his head. The beautiful curve of the neck of the swan, the detail of its feathers becoming wings, its eyes, its beak, the precious foliage of the lake where swims, the marks in the water. Life is a dream and beauty is ethereal and if you really look you can see magnificent symbols and creatures such as an Unicorn made by jewelry designers like Bibivan Dervelden and Faberge. As many other jewelry designers and jewelry houses they have probe that a dream, the etheric and sensitive can be stopped in time, held by our hands in the form of a precious mythological unicorn or in the grace of a swan.

Before reality, there is a dream. Jewelry designers are adult people, who still dream and imagine. The drawing is a form that results from combining lines, figures and other elements that adorn a thing or that are constitutive of it, is a graphic expression that plasma images on a flat space. It is said that drawing does not require a special motricity, the trick is to learn to look, to be sensitive to what we see. If we are able to write, we are able to draw, the only thing that is needed is to put the lines in order and train the eyes.

When I see jewelry drawings patterns I see a commitment to design, there is no option to start over or move lines, perspective or shading, which requires from the designer to concentrate more, with time probably draw with more confidence and at the same time lose the fear of being wrong.

The drawing process is so personal. What the designer is expressing are his ideas, projects, customs and culture, as in any other art. Why is it a step that we take per granted in jewelry if the drawing is the beginning of an artist\’s dreams that come true? And a beautiful reality for us.

A Jewel that is Forever dreams in our hands.

As Salvador Dalí said: \”Without the audience and the presence of spectators this art will not fulfill the function for which they came into being. The viewer is the ultimate artist, his sight, mind, heart, understanding fusing with the intent of the creator gives to the art LIFE.


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