Accessible to Everybody

Curated Jewelry

by Ines Arenas

The Beauty Beyond

Luxury Brands

The Beauty Beyond

Luxury Brands

The Beauty Beyond

Luxury Brands

How Ines Arenas Presents Jewelry?

Jewelry is one of the forms in which artistic creation is presented. What art is has been discussed and continues to be discussed? For some, art is the concept, the content of the work; for others, art is the form, the how it is presented. The content is not required. 

For us, in any artistic manifestation, both elements must be merged or amalgamated: form and content.

Since the beginning of Western civilization, jewelry is one of the symbolic representations of its history. And it has changed with each age through different styles, but it has always expressed beliefs, religion, family, sexuality, and even the social status of the human being.

Today, thanks to the Internet, jewelry has become a language. A way of saying understood by everyone.

Because be a “Curator” is about connecting the artist with the viewer. This is why we present jewelry the way we do.

You the public be the last stroke in any Jewelry Design. (Mose)

The Beauty of a Jewel
Beyond its Consumption

Curated Articles

by Ines Arenas