“Engagement Diamond Ring” by Lorraine Schwartz 



Lorraine Schwartz is an American bespoke high jewelry designer. After studying fine arts and public relations at New York University and producing fashion shows for clubs on the side, life eventually led her back to her family\’s diamond roots.
She has designed jewelry for a host of famous female celebrities including Beyoncé, Blake Lively and Kim Kardashian. In 2009, Angelina Jolie showed up at the Oscars wearing a pair of emerald earrings designed by Lorraine Schwartz which cost $2.5 million.


Lorraine Schwartz is more than a designer to the high-profile devotees that wear her jewelry—she’s a trusted collaborator whose creations are integral to a star’s special and memorable moments.
Her pieces are definitely a collector piece.


Lorraine says: “There’s only one woman of style — my mom”. “My mom was regal, impeccable. I got my taste from her. Every time I get stuck on an idea, I think of her and inspiration comes to me.” I believe that a person who remembers her mother as an inspiration is remembering h@r childhood. I enjoy @lorraineschwartz jewelry style because is a designer that it\’s not scared to experiment with jewelry and design, her approach is the approach of a child to the world, in her case the world of jewelry. Just a child can be fearless, as is @lorraineschwartz in her jewelry designs. Many people will say that an 18-carat engagement ring, is not ‘Delicate’ and ‘fine’ so it would be a synonym of bad taste, but in @lorraineschwartz hands, the carats take another level, for @lorraineschwartz it\’s not about the size or how big is the gem? it\’s evident that she cares about other characteristics in the stone, the kind or how big the gem is, isn\’t a determinant, the important aspects are clarity, rarity, color, cut, and polish. It would be mediocre just to say that the gem size it\’s the main characteristic to consider in a design. What I understand from @lorraineschwartz statement about her mother is that her mother was an intellectual and cosmopolitan woman, (because to be elegant you must have culture), who taught her daughter to rescue beauty from the contemporary mediocrity. Beauty is the only thing that can save us. To say that: @lorraineschwartz is the \”Queen of the Bling, Bling\” is to share and distribute the illusions of the designer whimsically. In the end, we all know what it\’s important in art. Art has to reach out to you and tell you something because jewelry it\’s an art, that\’s what @lorraineschwartz does: Art. P.D: there is nothing wrong with the “Bling, Bling” style, I just think that is more than just big jewelry!

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